A Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics and Orthotics Suppliers Bond (also called a DMEPOS Bond or Medicare Bond) is a federal surety bond required by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services for suppliers of durable medical equipment, prosthetics, orthotics and supplies. On December 29, 2008, they announced regulations requiring suppliers of certain durable medical equipment, prosthetics, orthotics, and supplies to post a surety bond as a condition of new or continued Medicare enrollment.
The regulation states that suppliers seeking to enroll or changing the ownership of a DMEPOS supplier must submit a $50,000 surety bond for each assigned NPI for which the DMEPOS supplier is seeking to obtain Medicare billing privileges. Existing DMEPOS suppliers must submit to the NSC a $50,000 surety bond for each assigned NPI no later than October 2, 2009.
DMEPOS supplier enrolling a new practice location must submit to the NSC a new surety bond or an amendment or rider to the existing bond, showing the new practice location is covered by an additional base surety bond of $50,000. Suppliers who have certain adverse legal actions imposed against them in the past may be required to post a higher bond amount. The final regulations permit the NSC to require DMEPOS suppliers to obtain a base surety bond of $50,000 and an elevated surety bond of $50,000 for each occurrence of an adverse legal action within ten years preceding enrollment, revalidation, or re-enrollment in the Medicare program.
We Issued 1000’s for Medicare DEMOS Bonds is Texas for the past 30 years. We offer one of the lowest rates for Medicare DEMOS bonds in Texas.
Call our agents for any questions @ 800-374-9227 , Local 713-785-2138
· Certain physician and non-physician practitioners
· Physical therapists
· Occupational therapists
· State-licensed orthotic and prosthetic personnel
· Government-owned suppliers
· Medicare Bond, DMEPOS Bond for $50,000 Rate Start From $250 for applicants with acceptable credit.
Call our agents for any questions @ 800-374-9227 , Local 713-785-2138